Bei Recherchen habe ich durch Zufall…
…Martha Carr gefunden, Urenkelin von Dr. Sigmund Stransky. Er war einmal Besitzer der von Otto Wagner geplanten Villa in Bad Vöslau. Sofort habe ich ihr ein Mail geschrieben und folgende Antwort erhalten:
Hi Silke! Thank you for your e-mail regarding the house in Bad Voeslau. Yes! That belonged to my great grandfather (maternal). I do have a few photos of my father and aunt in the driveway of that house as well as a few others but not alot of photos of the house itself. I do have many photos of the people though. He was quite a patron of the arts and there are quite a few famous people that frequented the house. I also have a book that has a nice photo of the house in it.
I do have some history on it that my father wrote down and recorded in an audio tape. I can provide you with that information.
I am coming to Vienna next Fall (Sept of 2023) and going to visit Bad Voslau (my first time), as part of that trip. Where do you live? That may be too late for your project but it would be nice to connect!
I look forward to hearing from you. You can include my sister in this chain as she may have some information I don’t have.Best,
Martha (Gold) Carr
Am 15. September 2023…
Dann war es endlich Zeit um zur ehemaligen Familienvilla zu fahren.
Ein weiteres Highlight des Tages…
Beim Interview erfuhr ich außerdem auch, dass Martha seit zwei Jahren im Besitz der österreichischen Staatsbürgerschaft ist, die ihr als direkte Nachkommin zusteht (siehe hier)
Der letzte Punkt auf Marthas Bucketlist…
Am Abend habe ich dann noch folgende Nachricht erhalten:
We got back just fine! Thank you again for a most wonderful day. It was the highlight of my trip! Lunch was delicious and everything went perfectly!Thanks again,MarthaXoxo
Teile diesen Beitrag
Bei Recherchen habe ich durch Zufall…
…Martha Carr gefunden, Urenkelin von Dr. Sigmund Stransky. Er war einmal Besitzer der von Otto Wagner geplanten Villa in Bad Vöslau. Sofort habe ich ihr ein Mail geschrieben und folgende Antwort erhalten:
Hi Silke! Thank you for your e-mail regarding the house in Bad Voeslau. Yes! That belonged to my great grandfather (maternal). I do have a few photos of my father and aunt in the driveway of that house as well as a few others but not alot of photos of the house itself. I do have many photos of the people though. He was quite a patron of the arts and there are quite a few famous people that frequented the house. I also have a book that has a nice photo of the house in it.
I do have some history on it that my father wrote down and recorded in an audio tape. I can provide you with that information.
I am coming to Vienna next Fall (Sept of 2023) and going to visit Bad Voslau (my first time), as part of that trip. Where do you live? That may be too late for your project but it would be nice to connect!
I look forward to hearing from you. You can include my sister in this chain as she may have some information I don’t have.Best,
Martha (Gold) Carr
Am 15. September 2023…
Dann war es endlich Zeit um zur ehemaligen Familienvilla zu fahren.
Ein weiteres Highlight des Tages…
Beim Interview erfuhr ich außerdem auch, dass Martha seit zwei Jahren im Besitz der österreichischen Staatsbürgerschaft ist, die ihr als direkte Nachkommin zusteht (siehe hier)
Der letzte Punkt auf Marthas Bucketlist…
Am Abend habe ich dann noch folgende Nachricht erhalten:
We got back just fine! Thank you again for a most wonderful day. It was the highlight of my trip! Lunch was delicious and everything went perfectly!Thanks again,MarthaXoxo