Hi Silke! Thank you for your e-mail through Psychology Today regarding the house in Bad Vaslau. Yes! That belonged to my great grandfather (maternal). I do have a few photos of my father and aunt in the driveway of that house as well as a few others but not alot of photos of the house itself. I do have many photos of the people though. He was quite a patron of the arts and there are quite a few famous people that frequented the house. I also have a book that has a nice photo of the house in it.
I do have some history on it that my father wrote down and recorded in an audio tape. I can provide you with that information.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Martha (Gold) Carr
Das Kapitel über die Stransky-Villa wird dank der vielen Informationen großartig werden, das fühle ich. Leider werde ich nicht alle Fotos im Buch abdrucken können, ein kleiner Wermutstropfen…
Übrigens – Martha wird im September 2023 nach Wien kommen und Bad Vöslau besuchen. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf ein Kennenlernen.
wunderbare foto
Teile diesen Beitrag
Hi Silke! Thank you for your e-mail through Psychology Today regarding the house in Bad Vaslau. Yes! That belonged to my great grandfather (maternal). I do have a few photos of my father and aunt in the driveway of that house as well as a few others but not alot of photos of the house itself. I do have many photos of the people though. He was quite a patron of the arts and there are quite a few famous people that frequented the house. I also have a book that has a nice photo of the house in it.
I do have some history on it that my father wrote down and recorded in an audio tape. I can provide you with that information.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Martha (Gold) Carr
Das Kapitel über die Stransky-Villa wird dank der vielen Informationen großartig werden, das fühle ich. Leider werde ich nicht alle Fotos im Buch abdrucken können, ein kleiner Wermutstropfen…
Übrigens – Martha wird im September 2023 nach Wien kommen und Bad Vöslau besuchen. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf ein Kennenlernen.